Possibilities of using new test system for screening antibodies to hepatitis C produced by Alkor Bio company by ELISA during comparative laboratory tests


Grigorieva T. D.1,Falileeva M. Yu.1,Shargorodskaya E. P.1


1. Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital n. a. S. P. Botkin


Currently, despite the wide variety of methods and tests for screening blood serum for antibodies to HCV, there are no reliable criteria that guarantee a reliable result. To date, the interpretation of the results of anti-HCV detection in samples with low CP values (low optical density in ELISA) remains one of the major tasks of laboratory diagnostics. Continuous improvement of analytical sensitivity and specificity of laboratory tests remains one of the priority tasks for manufacturers of modern test systems. The purpose of this article was to assess the specificity and sensitivity of the new Hepatitis ELISA-anti-HCV test system produced by Alkor Bio when compared with test systems from other manufacturers in settings with sera from real patients and in a series of control seroconversion panels. The article is intended for doctors of clinical laboratory diagnostics, epidemiologists, virologists, infectious disease specialists, students of medical and biological universities.


Alfmed LLC


Materials Chemistry,Economics and Econometrics,Media Technology,Forestry

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