Depression and dopamine dysregulation syndrome as risk factor for suicide after deep brain stimulation in Parkinson's disease


Bril E. V.1,Abbasov F. A.2,Zimnyakova O. S.3,Anikina M. A.3,Kesarev D. G.3


1. State Scientific Centre of the Russian Federation – Federal Medical Biophysical Centre n. a. A. I. Burnazyan; Russian Medical Academy for Continuing Professional Education

2. Russian Medical Academy for Continuing Professional Education

3. State Scientific Centre of the Russian Federation – Federal Medical Biophysical Centre n. a. A. I. Burnazyan


Modern approaches to the management of advanced stages of Parkinson's disease include deep brain stimulation (DBS). Adequate selection of candidates for DBS is a key factor for the effectiveness and safety of this method. Selection criteria are mainly based on data from large multicenter studies. It is known that the use of DBS can be accompanied by the development of side effects, the most common of which is neuropsychiatric disorders. Suicide is an extreme manifestation of neuropsychiatric disorders and a potentially reversible cause of death in patients with Parkinson's disease. Patients with chronic diseases, including neurological diseases, have an increased risk of suicide or suicide attempts. Depression and impulse control disorders following DBS are likely key contributors to suicidal behavior in patients. The authors present a clinical case – an attempt to commit suicide after DBS with the use of levodopa with an analysis of the factors contributing the development of suicidal behavior and an analysis of the management of neuropsychiatric disorders.


Alfmed LLC


Materials Chemistry,Economics and Econometrics,Media Technology,Forestry

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