Kamaev A V,Trusova O V,Lyashenko N L,Makarova I V
Background. Even the mild course of atopic dermatitis (AD) requires the complex approach to the exacerbation therapy and prevention. Systematic skin care is the cornerstone of AD antirelapse therapy, but the emollients price might interfere the compliance. The study aim was to evaluate clinical effectiveness and pharmacoeconomics of therapeutic skin care complex Atopic (daily cream, reliver cream and shower gel) in children with AtD. Materials and methods. Open prospective evaluation of 1-month long. There were 50 children (6 month to 18 years old) with AtD included in 2 groups (exacerbation and remission, 25 children each). We have evaluated mean values of SCORAD index, skin itching and dryness (visual analog scales), pharmacotherapy requests and number of AtD exacerbations. Emollients’ consumption was determined by used packs’ weighting. Month total emollients’ outlay and 1 remission day cost with the Atopic therapeutic skin care complex application were calculated. Results. 47 patients (94%) had completed the protocol; 3 children had stopped Atopic applications due to individual intolerance. After 1 month in AtD exacerbation group mean SCORAD-index score had decreased from 41,8±4,6 to 13,4±2,7 (р=0,0001); in remission group initially low SCORAD results (7,2±0,9) hadn’t changed (6,3±1,8). Among outlay subgroups the daily cream cost was predominant. Mean 1 remission day cost was 72.9 and 52.4 rubles/day for groups 1 and 2, respectively. Conclusions. Gathered data allow to characterize Atopic complex as attractive quality/price ratio cosmetics and to recommend their wide usage in long-term anti-relapse AtD therapy in children.