Yashwant Ravindra Mistari ,Jai Dev Sharma ,Awadhesh Kishore ,Muyeen I Nargund ,Akash
A field experiment was carried out to assess the effect of foliar application of plant growth regulators and fertilizers on the growth, yield attributes and grain yield of black gram. The results revealed that the application of RDF + DAP 2% + NAA 60 ppm recorded significantly higher growth attributes viz., plant height (47.87 cm), number of leaves plant-1 (34.22), number of primary branches plant-1 (7.06) and number of secondary branches plant-1 (19.63), as well as yield and yield attributes including number of pods plant-1 (34.39), pod length (6.82 cm), number of grains pod-1 (6.61), test weight (38.67g), grain yield (1234.19 kg ha-1) and straw yield (3640 kg ha-1). The net returns and benefitcost ratio (Rs. 75667.66 and 2.17, respectively) were also recorded substantially higher with the application of RDF + DAP 2% + NAA 60 ppm over the rest of the treatments. Based on the present findings it was concluded that the application of RDF + DAP 2% + NAA 60 ppm in black gram crop is profitable.
The Indian Society of Agronomy
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