Organic Pulse Production: Exploring Opportunities and Overcoming Challenges


Raghavendra Singh ,Mohammad Hasanain ,Subhash Babu ,C.P. Nath ,MA Ansari ,Amit Kumar ,Mehraj Ud Din Sofi ,Sandeep Kumar ,Sunil Kumar


Pulses are an essential part of global human nutrition and sustainable agriculture, consisting of a range of leguminous crops like beans, lentils, and chickpeas. The growing demand for organic food has made organic pulse cultivation a viable means of satisfying this need while also fostering environmental stewardship and strengthening farm resilience. Increased biodiversity on farms, fewer chemical inputs, and better soil health are just a few benefits of growing pulses organically. Furthermore, organic pulses are well known for their high nutritional content, providing the human diet with the necessary fibers, proteins, and minerals. Farmers that grow pulses have a large market opportunity due to consumers’ increased demand for organic products. But growing organic pulses certainly has its share of difficulties. These include probable yield swings, vulnerability to pests and diseases, and restricted availability of seeds with organic certification. Furthermore, farmers may face operational and financial challenges throughout the shift from conventional to organic agricultural methods. Multiple parties must work together in order to overcome these obstacles and take advantage of the potential that comes with producing organic pulses. The development of hardy organic pulse types that are suited to a range of agroecological settings can be greatly aided by research. It is imperative for policymakers to enact laws and incentives that are conducive to the growth of organic pulse production and provide equitable market access for organic growers. Ultimately, organic pulse farming has enormous potential for both food security and sustainable agriculture. Organic pulse growers can play a major role in supplying the increasing demand for nutrient-dense, eco-friendly food while building strong, thriving farming communities by mitigating problems with innovative solutions and teamwork.


The Indian Society of Agronomy

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