Growing concern about increase in female literacy and
improvement in their socio-economic conditions is an offshoot of the
growing awareness and concern about the population problem among
planners and policy-makers. The explosive rate of population growth is a
major obstacle to achieving a better quality of life for the majority of
the populace in Pakistan. An uplift in the status of females through
increased educational and employment opportunities lead to fertility
decline. Several studies have been conducted in past decades to study
the indicators of female status and its impact on fertility in Pakistan.
Female education has been conventionally considered as an indicator of
female status. There is a consensus in terms of the inverse relationship
between female education and fertility that education, even upto primary
level, does lead to fertility decline. Most population programmes in
developing countries advocate in favour offemale literacy. The impact of
female employment on fertility is however, not very clear in case of
Pakistan [Sathar (1989)]. The findings of her study indicate that
employment influenced fertility negatively in the case of women in
higher status and positively in the case of lower status occupations. In
the case of poorer women, the lack of a negative association between
employment and fertility may be due to the fact that these women already
had a large number of children before starting work.
Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE)
Development,Geography, Planning and Development
Cited by
3 articles.