Hydrangea xinfeniae W.B.Ju & J.Ru, a new species of Hydrangeaceae from Sichuan Province, China, is described and illustrated. The new species belongs to Hydrangea sect. Dichroa (Lour.) Y.De Smet & Samain, with its distinctive characteristic being the nearly superior ovary. It shares morphological similarities with H. yaoshanensis (Y.C.Wu) Y.De Smet & C.Granados, but can be distinguished by its hirsute trichomes densely covered on the branchlets, leaves, peduncles and pedicels, broadly elliptic to rectangular-elliptic leaf blade with nearly rounded base, coarse teeth leaf margins, 3–4 pairs of lateral veins, corymbose cyme with few and loose branches, lanceolate bract, the calyx tube and lobes margin with sparsely hirsute trichomes, adaxially glabrous and abaxially sparsely hirsute petal, outer whorl filaments are linear, inner ones are awl-shaped, glabrous styles, and the nearly superior ovary. H. xinfeniaesp. nov. currently known from only three relatively small populations of the type locality, and its conservation status is assessed as Data Deficient (DD).