Grasslands on Coastal Headlands in New South Wales, south eastern Australia


Hunter JohnORCID


Aims: To use unsupervised techniques to produce a hierarchical classification of grasslands on coastal headlands of New South Wales in eastern Australia. Methods: A dataset of 520 vegetation plots scored on cover and placed across grasslands on coastal headlands (ca. 2000 km of coastline). Vegetation assemblages were identified with the aid of a clustering method based on group averaging and tested using similarity profile analysis (SIMPROF) using Bray-Curtis similarity. A hierarchical schema was developed based on EcoVeg hierarchy and was circumscribed using positive and negative diagnostic taxa via similarity percentage analysis (SIMPER) and importance based on summed cover scores and frequency. Mapping the occurrences grasslands was initially constructed using remote sensing which was verified and modified with on ground observations. Results: One group Themeda – Pultenaea – Zoysia – Cynodon grasslands and heathy grasslands was defined to include all coastal headland grassland vegetation of the New South Wales, and within this, three alliances and ten associations. Only one of the circumscribed associations is represented within the current state classification schema. In total 107 ha were mapped of which 68 ha occurred within secure conservation tenure. Conclusions: A number of unique and rare grassland assemblages on coastal headlands have to date gone undescribed. The most common alliance constitutes approximately 87% of extant grassland occurrences but is currently the only type listed as endangered and afforded protection. Although Poa spp. are listed as a threat to Themeda dominated assemblages on headlands data from this study suggest that this is unlikely to be the case. Taxonomic reference: PlantNET (http://plantnet/; accessed June 2019). Abbreviations: BC Act = Biodiversity Conservation Act; NMDS = non-metric multidimensional scaling; NSW = New South Wales; PCT = Plant Community Type; SIMPER = similarity percentage analysis; SIMPROF = Similarity profile analysis.


Pensoft Publishers

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