An updated inventory of the vascular flora of the Cerbaie hills (Tuscany, Italy)


Gestri Giovanni,Pierini Brunello,D’Antraccoli Marco,Bernardini Andrea,Peruzzi LorenzoORCID


We present an updated list of the vascular flora occurring in the Cerbaie hills (Tuscany), a site of high naturalistic interest. The list is based on a literature survey and on field studies carried out in the years 2010–2022. The Cerbaie hills host a flora of 1,107 specific and subspecific taxa (including 100 naturalized aliens), 32 casual aliens and 10 hybrid taxa. Two taxa are new for Tuscany: Carex oedipostyla and Thalictrum simplex subsp. galioides; 330 taxa are new for the study area. Concerning old records, 344 have been confirmed, while 47 were not confirmed, albeit considered reliable. Moreover, we considered three taxa as locally extinct, 19 as doubtfully occurring, and three as wrongly reported. Despite the low elevation of the study area, life forms and chorotypes show marked Eurosiberian affinities, in agreement with the temperate and continental climate.


Pensoft Publishers


Plant Science,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

Reference70 articles.

1. An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG IV

2. Documenti per la carta della vegetazione delle Cerbaie (Toscana settentrionale).;Arrigoni;Parlatorea,1997

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