The paper presents an extensive fish sampling dataset spanning a long-term period from 2010 to 2019. The data were collected in Lenta Marina, an upstream area in the Minho Estuary of the NW Iberian Peninsula, which belongs to a LTSER (Long-Term Socio-Ecological Research) platform. To capture fish, fyke nets were utilised as the sampling method and deployed at Lenta Marina. This dataset offers valuable insights into the abundance of each collected taxa recorded over time.
The dataset reports a comprehensive compilation of data on the abundance of fish species observed in the area during the sampling period (includes zeroes when a given taxonomic entity was absent in a given sampling event). It provides a detailed record of the abundances of the fish community through time in a frequent sampling regime (on average, sampling was done every 6 days). The dataset shows that the amount of fish from invasive taxa exceeds the count of fish from native taxa in the Minho Estuary.