Ecological and structural differentiation of the Sudanian woodlands in the Biosphere Reserve of Pendjari, Benin


Assèdé Eméline S. P.ORCID,Biaou S. S. HonoréORCID,Orou HidirouORCID,Oumorou MadjidouORCID,Geldenhuys Coert J.ORCID,Chirwa Paxie W.ORCID,Sinsin BriceORCID


Aims: This study aims to: i) differentiate the plant associations in the Biosphere Reserve of Pendjari (BRP), ii) determine the ecological characteristics of their habitats and iii) present distribution maps on different soil types. Study area: The BRP, located in the Sudanian Zone of Benin. Methods: 202 phytosociological relevés were sampled according to the Braun-Blanquet method within the BRP. Ordination was performed using Detrended Correspondence Analysis to evaluate vegetation patterns. Soil parameters were used to characterize the vegetation types. Results: The numerical analysis of 202 plots and 249 plant species showed two major floristic groups that correlated with a moisture gradient: drylands versus wetlands. The dryland group was a mixture of woodland and shrub savanna, the dominant ecosystems of the study area. The wetland group encompassed species primarily from riparian forest, tree savanna and grass savanna on floodplains. Syntaxonomical analysis of the dryland group showed rocky and gravelly soil associations (Burkeo africanae-Detarietum microcarpi) and soils associated with or without fine gravels (Andropogono gayani-Terminalietum avicennioidis, Andropogono gayani-Senegalietum dudgeonii and Terminalietum leiocarpae). Syntaxonomical analysis of the wetland group showed riparian forest associations on sandy-clay soil (Coletum laurifoliae, Borassetum aethiopi and Hyparrhenio glabriusculae-Mitragynetum inermis) and floodplain associations on silt-clay soil (Terminalio macropterae-Mitragynetum inermis, Brachiario jubatae-Terminalietum macropterae, Sorghastro bipennati-Vachellietum hockii). Conclusions: Eleven new associations were identified in this study. If the distribution of plant associations was determined by different soil properties, the soil humidity would be one of the main ecological factors determining the establishment of plant species and thus plant association development. Taxonomic reference: Akoègninou et al. (2006), Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants (APG IV, 2016). Abbreviations: BRP = Biosphere Reserve of Pendjari; CBD = Convention on Biological Diversity; CCA = Constrained Correspondence Analysis; DCA = Detrended Correspondence Analysis; GPS UTM = Global Positioning System Universal Transverse Mercator.


Pensoft Publishers


Plant Science,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics,Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)







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