Mapping and assessing ecosystem services in the EU - Lessons learned from the ESMERALDA approach of integration


Burkhard BenjaminORCID,Maes JoachimORCID,Potschin-Young Marion,Santos-Martín Fernando,Geneletti DavideORCID,Stoev PavelORCID,Kopperoinen Leena,Adamescu Cristian,Adem Esmail BlalORCID,Arany Ildikó,Arnell Andy,Balzan MarioORCID,Barton David N.,van Beukering Pieter,Bicking Sabine,Borges Paulo,Borisova Bilyana,Braat Leon,M Brander Luke,Bratanova-Doncheva Svetla,Broekx Steven,Brown Claire,Cazacu Constantin,Crossman Neville,Czúcz BálintORCID,Daněk JanORCID,Groot Rudolf de,Depellegrin Daniel,Dimopoulos Panayotis,Elvinger Nora,Erhard Markus,Fagerholm Nora,Frélichová Jana,Grêt-Regamey Adrienne,Grudova Margarita,Haines-Young Roy,Inghe Ola,Kallay Tamas,Kirin Tamara,Klug Hermann,Kokkoris Ioannis,Konovska Iskra,Kruse Marion,Kuzmova IliyanaORCID,Lange Manfred,Liekens Inge,Lotan Alon,Lowicki DamianORCID,Luque Sandra,Marta-Pedroso CristinaORCID,Mizgajski Andrzej,Mononen Laura,Mulder Sara,Müller Felix,Nedkov StoyanORCID,Nikolova Mariana,Östergård Hannah,Penev LyubomirORCID,Pereira Paulo,Pitkänen Kati,Plieninger Tobias,Rabe Sven-ErikORCID,Reichel SteffenORCID,Roche PhilipORCID,Rusch Graciela,Ruskule AndaORCID,Sapundzhieva Anna,Sepp Kalev,Sieber InaORCID,Šmid Hribar Mateja,Stašová Simona,Steinhoff-Knopp BastianORCID,Stępniewska Małgorzata,Teller Anne,Vackar DavidORCID,van Weelden Martine,Veidemane Kristina,Vejre Henrik,Vihervaara Petteri,Viinikka Arto,Villoslada Miguel,Weibel Bettina,Zulian Grazia


The European Union (EU) Horizon 2020 Coordination and Support Action ESMERALDA aimed at developing guidance and a flexible methodology for Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services (MAES) to support the EU member states in the implementation of the EU Biodiversity Strategy’s Target 2 Action 5. ESMERALDA’s key tasks included network creation, stakeholder engagement, enhancing ecosystem services mapping and assessment methods across various spatial scales and value domains, work in case studies and support of EU member states in MAES implementation. Thus ESMERALDA aimed at integrating various project outcomes around four major strands: i) Networking, ii) Policy, iii) Research and iv) Application. The objective was to provide guidance for integrated ecosystem service mapping and assessment that can be used for sustainable decision-making in policy, business, society, practice and science at EU, national and regional levels. This article presents the overall ESMERALDA approach of integrating the above-mentioned project components and outcomes and provides an overview of how the enhanced methods were applied and how they can be used to support MAES implementation in the EU member states. Experiences with implementing such a large pan-European Coordination and Support Action in the context of EU policy are discussed and recommendations for future actions are given.


European Commission


Pensoft Publishers


Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous),Nature and Landscape Conservation,Ecology







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