Correlations for calculating the transport and thermodynamic properties of lead-bismuth eutectic


Chusov Igor A.,Pronyaev Vladimir G.,Novikov Grigory Ye.,Obysov Nikolay A.


The paper presents recommended correlations for calculating the thermodynamic and transport properties of Pb-Bi eutectic (44.5% Pb + 55.5% Bi), namely: density, dynamic viscosity, specific heat, thermal conductivity, surface tension, specific electrical resistance, and local speed of sound as a function of temperature. These correlations are based on calculated data presented in 39 experimental studies performed in our country and abroad and published during the period from 1923 to 2015. The authors had information on 1103 experimental points; however, a direct assessment was performed on 1076 points. The main difficulty in processing the data was that the experiments considered in the work were performed at different times using a variety of measurement methods, non-unified methods of statistical processing, varying degrees of eutectic purity, etc. The basis of the data estimation technique was the modified least square method, which made it possible to take into account the errors of the experimental data involved. The paper gives the error values of the proposed correlations and the temperature ranges of their applicability. The paper was prepared based on the results of the work of the Thermodynamic Data Center (TDC INPE NRNU MEPhI) of Rosatom State Corporation.


Pensoft Publishers


General Medicine

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