In this study, T-shaped joints were designed from composites with different deltoid radius. For this purpose, carbon fiber woven fabrics were preferred as reinforcement elements. Then, tensile analyzes were performed on these composite T-joints. The effect of the deltoid radius on the maximum tensile load and damage behavior of the structure was examined. As a result of the analyses, fiber tensile-compression damage images occurring in the structure for each deltoid radius were obtained along with the load-displacement graph. The Hashin damage criterion was preferred for damage onset. Material Property Degradation (MPDG) method was used for damage progression in progressive damage analysis. By increasing the deltoid radius from 6 mm to 12 mm, the maximum contact load increased by approximately 10%, and by increasing it to 18 mm, the maximum contact load increased by approximately 20.11%. Fiber compression damage, spread over a wide area on the lower surface of the flange where it does not come into contact with the web, was determined to be the dominant damage type, and it was determined that this damage decreased with the increase of the deltoid radius. it was observed that as the deltoid radius increases, the T-jointed composite structure exhibits more rigid material behavior.
Fırat University, Faculty of Engineering