Due to COVID-19, the government of Pakistan had to take measures to bring about changes in almost all infrastructures, including that of education and decided to switch to a virtual learning environment and urged all educational institutes to adopt virtual learning strategies to facilitate student learning process. In an attempting to contain the virus instructed educational institutes to explore virtual space to continue learning process. The University of Lahore was one of the few universities in Pakistan that took the lead and decided to serve the learning purpose. However, due to cultural differences and dependency on traditional learning, most universities found it difficult to follow suit. The University of Lahore has crossed a milestone and emerged as a model for other universities across country. The virtual learning strategies that have been adopted by the University are no less than international standards and the administration have been working tirelessly to ensure the smooth running of this digital education system. Based on the student survey and faculty interviews, this study recommends regular virtual trainings by educational institutes and to overcome the issues of internet connectivity and electricity in the country as a whole to better deal with the challenges that lie ahead.
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