1. National Polytechnic University of Armenia (NPUA) & Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB)
Since the variety of technologies in 2022 is unusually large, for each developer the question arises of determining the priority direction in work. The relevance of this article is due to this need. Thus, the main purpose of this work is to consider the development of Web technologies and the industry. The article discusses a common area, in 2022, the web, since modern information technologies largely affect the daily life of any person. IT is used to create electronic markets by transferring all payments made to the information sphere, where payments can be tracked and controlled. Also, the development of information technology affects the creation of additional jobs and the retraining of existing personnel, which is directly related to the reduction of unemployment, information technology has expanded opportunities in the medical, educational, law enforcement fields, which has improved the activities of each institution. This topic became popular also since the development of web technologies, the range of professions related to the development of websites is expanding, while studying computer science and information technology in this area, the article provides a history of the development of the web industry and the stages of transformation web technologies.
Research Center ALTERNATIVE
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