1. European University, Yerevan
This study evaluates a new criterion with high efficiency in the decision matrix as a criterion with quality in Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods. This research
discusses some concepts such as reliability techniques, MCDM, decision matrix (DM)
and real return also proposes a criterion Reliable Risk of Return that is called RRR. This
criterion can show how an investor can trust to the return of a company that their return
is more than the specific amount that the investor defines it. For this purpose, by applying a creative to use reliability techniques that are usually used in other science, especially engineering. This research proposes a new technique MTTO and uses other reliability techniques creatively. Results of this research can be helpful for investors to choose the best company from the list of companies also recommend profitable portfolios. The MTBF, MTTF, FIT and MTTO are famous techniques that are used to calculate the reliability of a system.
Research Center ALTERNATIVE