The role of academic advisors of student research teams in shaping student engagement in research and learning ownership in Russian universities


Ilinykh Tatiana Valentinovna1ORCID


1. North-West Institute of Management, branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration


The purpose of this article is to determine the role of an academic advisor of student research teams in shaping student engagement in research and learning ownership in universities. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the identification of the roles of an academic advisor of student research teams in the formation of engagement and ownership; characterizing the process of organization of an academic advisor’s work, depending on the level of the motivational, cognitive, operational, reflexive and volitional spheres of students; determining difficulties in students’ taking ownership and recommendations for overcoming them through various methods aimed at promoting students’ motivation and ownership. The study has scientific value, as it allows for a deeper understanding of the role of an academic advisor in shaping student engagement and ownership in universities. Various aspects of scientific advising are discussed, including methods for motivating and supporting students, creating conditions for professional growth and personal development, and organizing student teams at different stages of research activity. The result of the study is a revised list of an academic advisor’s roles in shaping learning ownership and developing motivation. It is concluded that creating favorable conditions for the development of students’ creative potential is required to ensure the efficient operation of student research teams. To achieve this, an effective organization of academic advisors’ work is necessary, as the latter will constantly develop students’ scientific thinking and culture.


Gramota Publishing


Aerospace Engineering

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