Content and organisational aspects of tutor support for the individual educational trajectory of a student at a specialised school


Fomicheva Nadezhda Vasiljevna1


1. Licey No. 2


The aim of the paper is to provide insight into the content and organisational aspects of tutor support for the individual educational trajectory of a student at a specialised school. The paper identifies the specifics of tutor support as a type of pedagogical interaction, the sequence and content of tutor support for the individual educational trajectory of a student at a specialised school. The scientific novelty of the research lies in specifying the content and organisational aspects of the tutor’s activities in the educational process of a specialised school. As a result, the tutor’s functions have been clarified, the modules, content and forms of tutor support for the individual educational trajectory of a student at a specialised school have been specified, the author’s solutions related to the methodological basis for tutor support have been presented.


Gramota Publishing


Aerospace Engineering

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