Influence of early pathogenic factors on the subsequent development of preschool children with disabilities


Danilina Ekaterina Vladimirovna1ORCID


1. Moscow City Pedagogical University


The aim of the study is to identify the subsequent influence of pathogenic factors that arose at the initial stages of ontogenesis on the formation of psychophysical, cognitive, speech and intellectual activity with further integration into society of children with disabilities. The paper interprets the results of research on the pathogenic factors in the early period of children’s development that negatively affect personal and social well-being during the subsequent stages of development of preschoolers belonging to various nosological categories. Both theoretical and practical questions about the system of early detection of abnormalities as an increased source of risk for the occurrence of impaired development in children are considered. Scientific novelty of the study lies in the following: it is the first time that modern data on the unequal influence of early pathogenic factors with selective significance on the formation of psychophysical, intellectual, speech, behavioral and sensory functions of children with disabilities belonging to different nosological categories have been obtained. A step-by-step program has been developed to support children with disabilities in the process of education and training in a preschool education institution. As a result, reliable information regarding the influence of each individual pathogenic factor of early dysontogenesis, which adversely affected the full development during preschool years at the present stage, identified in the anamnesis of children with disabilities has been analyzed. This aspect of the study will help to develop and select in a timely manner a set of rehabilitation measures, effective correctional care to prevent the occurrence and appearance of secondary pathologies.


Gramota Publishing


Aerospace Engineering

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