1. Ufa University of Science and Technology
2. Ufa University of Science and Technology, Sterlitamak Branch
The article analyzes the functioning of communicative taboos in English linguoculture. The aim of the work is to identify the connection of the communicative category of taboos with the moral values of the studied community. The article examines dialogues containing situations of taboo violation, describes the reaction of communicants to these violations, and provides a justification for the occurrence of taboos. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that the means of expressing communicative taboos in the aspect of English moral values were for the first time studied using the material of feature films. As a result of the research, it was found that the success of English communication is ensured not only by the norms and rules of recommended actions, but also by a system of prohibitions and restrictions (taboos) formed on the basis of a cultural value system. In our opinion, the main value orientations that influenced the emergence of taboos are personal autonomy (privacy), emotional restraint, tolerance, positive thinking, etc. The research reveals various types of communicative taboos, namely thematic, verbal and non-verbal. The work most fully presents thematic taboos (discussion of personal life, intimate life, diseases, the topic of death, controversial subjects, etc.).
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