Linguo-semiotic portrait of the Königsberg hermit: Immanuel Kant


Sedykh Arkadiy Petrovich1ORCID


1. Moscow International University; Belgorod National Research University


The aim of the research is to identify the general linguistic, general cultural and ethnocultural features of the linguistic personality of the 19th-century German philosopher Immanuel Kant. The scientific novelty of the research consists in highlighting the features of the cognitive-discourse constructions of the Königsberg thinker’s linguistic personality in line with the study of the linguo-semiotic mechanisms of functioning of special terms, both in the space of a complete utterance and at the level of the universal foundation of a philosophical narrative. One of the key points of the work is the development of the concept of linguo-semiotic interpretation of the category “linguistic personality”, which is considered as a semiotic integrity and axiological construct functioning in the synergy of two formats: individual and universal identity. The basic element of identifying the signs of a linguistic personality of this type is the linguistic analysis of the discourse, which generates authentic parameters for the functioning of the philosopher’s linguistic cognition. The cognitive and epistemic dimension of knowledge lays the foundation for the potential development of research thought in line with conducting a conceptual and linguistic analysis of the text space. The research findings showed the predominance of the universal characteristics of the German thinker’s philosophical discourse and also made it possible to discover the information about the elements of his worldview and mentality as a native speaker of a national language at the level of linguistic personality. The data obtained made it possible to identify the features of Immanuel Kant’s linguistic personality that are relevant for modern methods of overcoming crisis and stress situations on the paths of existential stabilization of behavioral cognition and communication models.


Gramota Publishers


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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