Modeling of the implicative semantics of landscape naming units in a phrase (based on the German language)


Bespalova Ekaterina Viktorovna1ORCID


1. Samara National Research University named after Academician S. P. Korolev (Samara University)


The study aims to model associative relationships of landscape naming units implemented in attributive phrases of the German language implying additional meanings relevant to German linguistic culture. The paper defines the implicative semantics and examines landscape naming units in the form of phrases with prepositive definitions and determinative composites, in which the attributive component introduces an implicit meaning derived within German linguistic culture. The study is novel in that it is the first to model the implicative semantics of attributive phrases and determinative composites with a nuclear component possessing landscape semantics. The modeling of the implicative semantics of the landscape is carried out by the method of integrative morphothemic analysis of dictionary naming units and collocations with them, which allows us to identify the associative relationships of lexico-grammatical categories with the ontological categories of spatiality, locativity, qualificativity and quantifiability. Implicative semantics is formed due to evaluative linguocultural and socio-political associations. As a result, a statistical analysis of usage confirms the typicality of collocations and the dynamics of their perception in German linguistic culture.


Gramota Publishing

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