Complex anaphor as a structural element of speech and textual strategies (on the material of the German language)


Danilova Elena Romanovna1


1. Kuban State University


The aim of the study is to determine the features of complex anaphors and complex anaphoric entities as units of organisation of a textual strategy of argumentation in political discourse at the structural and pragmatic levels of language. The paper focuses on the relevance of considering political discourse to examine speech impact, summarises the existing research on Sahra Wagenknecht’s individual speech style, justifies the need to involve the textual categories of coherence and cohesion to analyse the construction of a strategy of argumentation in a text of political speech. The scientific novelty of the study lies in identifying correlations between the structural and pragmatic levels of the text using the example of text-forming means, i.e. complex anaphors and complex anaphoric entities. In addition, some patterns between the types of complex anaphoric entities, their strategic functions and the sequence of their use in the text were found. As a result, it was proved that complex anaphors and complex anaphoric entities, being the means of coherence of political speech, implement a textual strategy of argumentation and a speech strategy of discrediting. The study was conducted on the material of the German language.


Gramota Publishing


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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