Media image of a veterinary doctor in Russian mass media (based on the data from the Russian National Corpus)


Abrosimova Ekaterina Alekseevna1ORCID,Kravchenko Yulia Dmitrievna2ORCID


1. Omsk State Agrarian University named after P. A. Stolypin

2. Omsk State University named after F. M. Dostoevsky


The research aims to reconstruct the media image of a veterinarian aimed at identifying the peculiarities of veterinary discourse recognized and transmitted by Russian mass media. The paper employs the cognitive modeling methodology involving an analysis of the system of conceptual models with signifiers such as ‘ветеринар’ (veterinarian), ‘ветеринарный врач’ (veterinary doctor), ‘ветврач’ (vet) and its interpretation. The work examines the linguistic representation of conceptual dominants at the lexico-semantic level, identifying the basic conceptual features of the object. Three main roles of a veterinarian presented in the media, i.e., a doctor, an expert, and a scientist, are identified and analyzed. The research is novel in that it is the first to provide a linguistic description of the contemporary media image of a veterinary doctor based on journalistic contexts captured in the Russian National Corpus. As a result, the work reveals that the most developed image in the media is that of a veterinary doctor, concentrating the values of veterinary discourse and exhibiting the distinguishing features of appearance and behavior. The role of a veterinarian-expert is the most frequently recorded one in the media, characterized by stereotypical and abstract speech. The role of a veterinarian-scientist is the least common one in media discourse, with its media image not fully developed and represented by standard speech formulas. Conclusions are drawn regarding the perceptions of veterinarians in the media compared to their self-identification and literary portrayals. Overall, the media construct a stereotypical image of a veterinary doctor as an animal lover and savior, which largely fails to reflect essential values of veterinary discourse such as customer orientation, professional solidarity, and academic rigor.


Gramota Publishing

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