Movement verbs in the aspect of interpretation of the category of relations in the cultural spaces of the Italian and English languages


Savvateeva Irina Anatolevna1ORCID


1. Irkutsk National Research Technical University


The aim of the study is to identify behavioral characteristics of movement verbs in different linguistic cultures – Italian and English. The scientific novelty of the research is determined by the choice of the object and subject of analysis: the paper is the first to identify and compare the common and specific features of the use of motion verbs in Italian and English linguistic cultures in the behavioral aspect. As a result of the analysis of movement verbs with the meaning ‘to leave, to move away’, their characteristic features, similarities and differences are established in expressing the category of relations in the behavioral aspect. The following differences have been identified: in Italian, the definitions of the movement verbs ‘ushire’ and ‘allontanarsi’ include a more extensive interpretation in a behavioral sense; in English, these meanings are expressed by several phrasal verbs to varying degrees of use in expressing behavioral relations. It has been found that there are components in definitions of movement verbs that determine their use in expressing purposeful behavioral relations in the contexts of statements in the Italian and English languages.


Gramota Publishing

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