1. Siberian Federal University
The research objective is to identify semantic shifts that occurred in word collocations, documented in the diaries of archpriest V. D. Kasyanov, and the nature of changes in collocability of certain prepositional-case forms. The scientific novelty of the study lies in identifying semantic changes that occurred over a century and a half and were not reflected in lexicographical sources, revealed through the analysis of word syntagmatic relationships. Additionally, for the first time, the collocational possibilities of some words and prepositional-case forms in the modern Russian language are compared with those in the 19th-century language. The study identified lexemes that have non-standard collocability according to contemporary Russian standards, indicating the presence of components in their meaning that were subsequently lost, corroborated by data from the National Corpus of the Russian Language. For some words, semantic shifts lead to a complete loss of lexical-syntactic expression of semantic valency or show a tendency towards such loss. The analysis also revealed that modern case forms "по + Dative case" and "от + Genitive case" demonstrate a more limited collocability compared to the 19th-century language.
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