The professional jargon of the American military personnel in a gender aspect


Romanov Alexander Sergeevich1,Babushkina Elena Vasilievna2


1. Moscow’s MGIMO University

2. Russia’s Ministry of Defense Military University


The article is devoted to the analysis of the professional world perception of American military personnel from an axiological and gender perspective. The object of this study is the value system of the US military community, as expressed in military jargon. The subject of the research is the linguistic forms through which gender stereotypes are manifested in the nominal units of the socio-group dialect. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the thesis on the patriarchal nature of the US military community, which is permeated with gender stereotypes and relies on the language phenomena of the military sociolect. This work aims to empirically identify social stereotypes explicit in the speech practices of informal communication. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the author's interpretation and categorization of gender-marked jargon vocabulary used by the representatives of the US military community. The results of the study revealed that the unofficial register of military jargon reflects the androcentrism of the military culture cluster. This is the first attempt to dissect the axiosphere of the GI through the conflicts of communicative practices in the standard and substandard (sociolect) registers of military jargon. The study also identified the most common gender stereotypes about women in the military environment.


Gramota Publishing


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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