Characteristics of the initiation novel in the biographical graphic novel by Pierre Kristen and Sebastian Verdie "Orwell"


Prudius Irina Gennadievna1ORCID,Shalimova Nadezhda Sergeevna2ORCID


1. Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V. P. Astafyev

2. Moscow City University


The aim of the research is to define the distinctiveness of the initiation graphic novel in contemporary literature. The article explores the representation of the initiation ritual in the artistic text while considering the genre synthetism features of the work, incorporating elements of dystopia and biographical graphic novel. The key points of the composition of the novel "Orwell" by P. Kristen and S. Verdie are highlighted, and the evolution of the protagonist's inner world, main characters, and symbols in the work are analyzed. The research novelty lies in the in-depth analysis of the genre synthesis of the graphic novel and initiation novel, an endeavor not previously undertaken in either domestic or foreign contemporary literary studies. The investigation contributes a certain theoretical insight: it proves the tendency towards the crossing of genre types in the texts of 21st-century authors, using the graphic novel as a prime example – an incredibly relevant genre today. Furthermore, the conducted analysis reveals the specifics of representing human maturation in contemporary literature and identifies the initiation ritual as an integral part of fictionalized biography. The research demonstrates that in the graphic novel "Orwell" by P. Kristen and S. Verdie, the narrative of initiation plays a crucial role, serving as the foundation of the work, with its tripartite structure and genre-defining characteristics.


Gramota Publishing

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