1. Kostroma State University
2. Saint Petersburg State University
The aim of the study is to identify the main cognitive problems of philosophical anthropology in the context of opposition or interaction between the experimental sciences and the humanities. The paper traces the process of formation of the concept of “consciousness” as an alternative to the concept of “soul”; presents introspection as a traditional method of self-consciousness analysis and development; characterises the concept of “representation” in philosophical anthropology and formulates the main idea of introducing cognitive science into education. The scientific novelty of the study lies in determining the role of consciousness in the system of civilised education in the formation of the social, political, aesthetic, natural science and other spheres of modern reality. As a result of the study, the authors have formulated the ideas that within the framework of cultural neurosciences development, cognitive sciences make it possible to include a philosophical, primarily anthropological, understanding of consciousness and self-consciousness in a comprehensive interdisciplinary analysis. At the same time, it is noted that within the framework of cognitive approaches, the influence of social factors on consciousness, including the ideological influence of specific societies, is not sufficiently taken into account.
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