Professional training of future specialists in the field of cadastre and registration of rights in graphic visualization of real estate objects


Fedotova Vera Sergeevna1ORCID


1. Pushkin Leningrad State University


The research aims to theoretically justify the use of 3D modeling and graphic design as a means of professional training of undergraduate students in the field of “Land management and cadastre” to solve practical tasks based on visualization of three-dimensional objects. The paper presents the stages of training future specialists in the field of cadastre and registration of rights in the basics of creating three-dimensional models in the professional sphere and their graphic design. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the original elaboration of the content of the discipline “Graphic (spatial) visualization of real estate objects” for the training of undergraduate students in the field of “Land management and cadastre” based on the integrated combination of studying the fundamentals of 3D modeling and graphic design as a tool for visualizing information and data. The author believes that this combination is necessitated by the need to educate students on the comprehensive solution to a professional task that requires creating a three-dimensional model and its design and represents the basis for understanding the essence of 3D cadastre. As a result of the research, examples of practice-oriented tasks within three interconnected modules of the discipline “Graphic (spatial) visualization of real estate objects” for undergraduate students in the field of land management and real estate cadastre are presented.


Gramota Publishing

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