The phenomenon of socio-cultural effects of legal education (using the example of studying the effect of change and the effect of information interaction of the educational environment)


Sychev Sergey Evgenievich1ORCID


1. St. Petersburg Institute (branch) of the All-Russian State University of Justice (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia)


Attention to the problem of studying the socio-cultural effects of legal education as a phenomenon that contributes to the formation of a law student’s personality is due to modern processes of transformation of social relations (a change in the attitude towards the spiritual and moral foundations and cultural and historical heritage of Russian society at the state level). The aim of the article is to identify and characterize the socio-cultural effects of legal education on the basis of the analysis of the specifics and capabilities of a law school in changing conditions. The article comprehensively studies the problem of socio-cultural adaptation of the younger generation in the conditions of higher education in law. The role of legal education in the socialization of a student’s personality provokes scientific interest. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that it attempts to define the socio-cultural value of legal education as an effect of change and as an effect of informational interaction in the educational environment. As a result of the study, the specifics of socio-cultural aspects of legal education, a number of effects of socio-cultural interaction, such as effects of change, were identified; positive and negative effects of socio-cultural interaction in the educational information space were defined; in addition, basic manifestations of the socialization of a student’s personality were identified.


Gramota Publishing

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