A linguodidactic model of discourse analysis


Tarnaeva Larisa Petrovna1ORCID


1. Saint Petersburg State University


The study aims to develop a scientifically substantiated, theoretically validated, and practically tested linguodidactic model of discourse analysis. The paper analyzes the evolution of the discourse direction in foreign language teaching, marked by stages such as focusing on the formation of the discourse component of communicative competence, developing a discourse-oriented approach to foreign language teaching, viewing discourse as an independent object of foreign language education and creating models of professionally oriented foreign language education based on discourse analysis. The main directions in the study of discourse were analyzed, with a focus on concepts that formed the methodological basis for developing the linguodidactic model of discourse analysis, specifically linguistic and constructionist approaches to discourse analysis. The scientific novelty of the study lies in proposing the linguodidactic model of discourse analysis aimed at professionally oriented foreign language education, based on the theoretical understanding of the fundamental principles of discourse theory. The work uncovered relevant concepts in linguodidactics related to discourse analysis, providing a basis for extrapolating them to issues in foreign language education. The linguodidactic significance of the sociolinguistic approach to discourse analysis was identified in terms of directing students’ attention to the nuances of verbal interactions among representatives of different organizations and public institutions. The importance of critical discourse analysis and discursive psychology in linguodidactics was also noted, with discourse being viewed as a form of social practice. The linguodidactic model of discourse analysis developed in the study includes a system of interconnected methodological techniques, facilitating a phased transition from analyzing and interpreting meanings encapsulated in verbal and nonverbal components of professionally oriented foreign language discourse to the actual production of discursive utterances.


Gramota Publishing

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