Psychological and pedagogical factors of a gifted child’s development in early preschool age


Zaver Tatiana Vladimirovna1


1. International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature


This article examines the problem of identifying the giftedness of a child in early preschool age and the psychological and pedagogical factors of his development at an early stage. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the need to determine the giftedness of a child in early preschool age on the basis of psychological and pedagogical factors of his development at an early stage. The author takes as the basis of the concept of giftedness the possibility of a child achieving higher, outstanding results in one or more different areas of activity compared to peers. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the identification of a number of age-related psychological and pedagogical factors that make it possible to establish the possibility of developing a child's giftedness in early preschool age. As a result of the research, the author formulated recommendations for the development of gifted children of younger preschool age, taking into account their individual characteristics and needs.


Gramota Publishing

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