The course of intracerebral hypertensive hemorrhages depending on age and gender


Kaminskyi A.A.ORCID


Objective ‒ to analyze the clinical course of patients with intracerebral hypertensive hemorrhages depending on age and gender.Materials and methods. An analysis of the treatment of 238 patients with hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhages, who were treated at the Kyiv City Clinical Hospital of Emergency Medical Care from 2018‒2019, was conducted. The majority of patients were men (163).Results. The average age of patients was 60 years. Patients are divided into age groups according to the WHO classification (2016). Young age (18‒44 years) ‒ 25 (23 men and 2 women), average age (45‒59 years) ‒ 91 (74 men and 17 women), old age (60‒74 years) ‒ 90 (52 men and 38 women), old age (75‒90 years) ‒ 32 (14 men and 18 women). There are no long-lived people (>90 years). 84 patients were operated on, and 94 surgical interventions were performed. Patients with lobar and lateral hematomas, as well as with significant hemorrhages with a breakthrough in the ventricular system, who underwent fluid-draining surgical interventions, were operated on. The total mortality was 39.5 %. Surgical mortality rate was 46.4 %.Conclusions. According to the conducted analysis and the data of the Center for Medical Statistics of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the incidence of hemorrhagic stroke is many times more frequent in men, which is most likely due to a more aggressive lifestyle, lack of control over arterial hypertension, bad habits (alcohol consumption and smoking). The highest mortality rate was observed in elderly patients (47 %) and young patients (48 %), regardless of the patient’s condition at the time of admission.


NGO Allukrainian Association of Endovascular Neuroradiology

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