ResumeNeurosurgery training in the countries of the European Union, America and Asia lasts from 5 to 7 years and involves acquiring knowledge not only in clinical, but also in scientific activities. Taking into account the need to use high-tech methods for the treatment of neurosurgical diseases, the duration of 3-year internship training, as is customary in Ukraine, is insufficient. The analysis of historical and modern approaches to teaching neurosurgery by professional communities in the USA and the European Union allows for the development of a modern training program in the specialty "neurosurgery" in terms of content and duration. The sample training program at the residency was reviewed after all comments and suggestions were received and approved at the meetings of the Department of Neurosurgery of the Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine, the State Institution «Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute NAMS of Ukraine» and the Ukrainian Neurosurgical Association by a group of experts in the specialty «Neurosurgery».It is important to select candidates for residency ‒ successful study, knowledge of a foreign language, taking into account communication skills. The order for residency is determined by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, no more than 10 residents can be applied per year, regardless of the form of payment. After completing the residency, 2 years of work experience in state or communal health care institutions, military hospitals is mandatory.It is to justify the need for quality training of neurosurgeons in accordance with the standards of the European Union. The introduction of a single standard for the training of neurosurgeons in Ukraine, which takes into account the best domestic and foreign experience, will make it possible to raise the level of domestic neurosurgery and integrate it into the world system of medical education. A significant increase in the length of training in a neurosurgery residency (up to 6 years) is necessary for the full-fledged development of a specialist neurosurgeon.
NGO Allukrainian Association of Endovascular Neuroradiology
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