Microsurgical decompression of the supraorbital nerve in the treatment of chronic neuropathic pain in the frontal-temporal area


Baytinger A. V.1,Isaeva N. V.2


1. Institute of Microsurgery

2. Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Prof. V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky


Chronic headache is common. One of the causes of frontal-temporal pain may be compression of sensory nerves from the trigeminal nerve system, for example, the supraorbital nerve. Our study involved 12 women with symptoms of supraorbital nerve neuralgia resistant to drug correction. He underwent microsurgical decompression of the supraorbital nerve. The results of the operation were assessed by the change in the level of neuropathic pain using the PainDetect questionnaire and the degree of psychosocial maladjustment of the patient according to the MIDAS questionnaire, before and after the operation. The data obtained indicate a significant decrease in the level of neuropathic pain in patients 1 month after surgery and a significant minimization of the effect of headache on the quality of life in patients 3 months after surgery. Two out of 12 women did not notice any improvement, which required repeated delayed revision and extended proximal decompression of the supraorbital nerve with dissection of m. corrugator supercilii fibers. After the myotomy, pain regression was achieved and the patients noted that they were satisfied with the result.


Research Institute of Microsurgery

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