State of the problem of artificial sphincter formation during colostomy (literature review)


Korobeynikova V. I.1ORCID,Dambaev G. Ts.1ORCID,Avdoshina E. A.1ORCID


1. Siberian State Medical University


Based on the analysis of domestic and foreign literature in the context of comparative effectiveness, the characteristics of the methods for creating an artificial sphincter during colostomy are presented. Various methods of colostomy formation are highlighted. Currently more than 200 methods and modifications of colostomy are known each of which has advantages and disadvantages and therefore cannot be considered ideal. In addition, there is the problem of maintenance of the colostomy associated with the constant functioning of the intestine and accordingly the release of contents. Therefore the search for a solution to the issue of preventing complications of terminal colostomy and improving the technique of forming an artificial anus is a very urgent and far from solved problem of operative coloproctology.


Research Institute of Microsurgery

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