1. Hospital Universitario San Ignacio, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
2. Columbia University
Introduction. Microvascular training constitutes a foundational element of many highly specialized surgical fields. This manuscript describes my experience (D.A. Devia) as a neurosurgical resident during the advanced microsurgical course guided by the senior author (Ye. Akelina) at the Microsurgery Training and Research laboratory, Dept of Orthopedic Surgery, Columbia University Irving Medical Center.Methods. The technical aspects of advanced vascular exercises performed in the microsurgery laboratory are reviewed and presented, accompanied by figures of each exercise accomplished.Conclusions. Microsurgery vascular training is an important tool in every cerebrovascular surgeon, or any other specialty interested microvascular procedures. The experience and exercises demonstrated in this paper are extremely useful for microvascular practice and should be included in any advanced course around the world for every surgeon interested in this field.
Research Institute of Microsurgery