Usage of shape memory implants in the formation of interstitial anastomoses in the experiment


Saganov V. P.1ORCID,Khitrikheev V. Ye.1ORCID


1. Buryat State University


The purpose of the study was to study in an experiment the advantages of creating interintestinal anastomoses using a construction with thermomechanical memory made of titanium nickelide in comparison with the classical method of imposing interintestinal anastomoses. The work was carried out on mongrel dogs by the method of performing compression and ligature interintestinal anastomoses. The tissue response in the area of interintestinal anastomosis was studied by the authors and confirmed by histological studies. In the studied tissues of the compression interintestinal anastomosis, microscopically, the indicators of the reactive inflammatory process were less pronounced and, ultimately, no dystrophic changes and tissue nutritional disorders were found in the test material. The healing of the intestinal mucosa was significantly better than in the classical ligature anastomosis. On the basis of the experimental data obtained by us, it was concluded that the use of compression interintestinal anastomoses for the purpose of creating anastomoses occurs with the best conditions for wound healing at the site of imposition of the performed anastomosis, in contrast to the classical ligature anastomosis.


Research Institute of Microsurgery

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