Impact of Institutions on Schools, Teachers Work, and Marketing Related to Students Success in North Sumatra Province


Najiris Saleh Siregar ,Toyib daulay


The study aims to determine and test the effect of: (1) principal leadership affects teacher performance; (2) Does principal leadership affect school infrastructure; (3) Does principal leadership affect student learning achievement; (4) Does teacher performance affect student learning achievement; and (5) Does infrastructure affect student learning achievement. The study population was students at SMA Negeri 1 Sunggal, North Sumatra Province with a sample of 235 students. The research method is quantitative method with Smart-PLS analysis. The results of the study concluded: (1) principal leadership has an influence on teacher performance by 51.8%; (2) principal leadership has an influence on school infrastructure by 47.8%; (3) principal leadership has an influence on student learning achievement by 22.4%; (4) teacher performance has an influence on student learning achievement by 24.7%; and (5) school infrastructure has an influence on student learning achievement by 47.5%. Overall, the results showed that student learning achievement was influenced by principal leadership moderated by teacher performance and school infrastructure facilities by 53.4%; while the remaining 46.6% was determined by other factors.


CV Hawari

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