Management Information System Design Village Finance (case study of kelambir v kebun village)




Fund allocation for each village is adjusted to a number of criteria. The problem that arises is that the mechanism and use of funds have not been properly recorded. This problem can be overcome by presenting good and transparent information, for this reason a village fund information system is needed for managing village funds using the waterfall method. This information system is very useful for monitoring village funds and absorption carried out by each village in real time, as well as providing information for the village head and policy makers in Klambir Lima Kebun Village to determine a policy. The system built is a system that discusses the Information System for managing village funds in Klambir Lima Kebun Village, a system design model in the form of a use case diagram, data storage structure and application display design using the PHP programming language and a database using MySQL, where the system has been built, the village officials of the five plantations will find it easier to process managing village funds and village fund allocation so that it is faster, more effective, effective, efficient and transparent. This system can handle the process of filling in data, changing data, deleting data, searching for data and reporting money data as well as providing information on village fund management in the village of Kelambir Lima Kebun.


CV Hawari

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