1. Department of Criminal Law № 1, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Senior Research Officer of Аcademician V.V. Stashis Scientific Research Institute for the Study of Crime Problems National Ukrainian Academy of Law Sciences
2. Аcademician Stashis Scientific Research Institute for the Study of Crime Problems, National Academy of Law Sciences of Ukrain
3. Department of Criminal Law № 1, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University
4. Head of the Department of Constitutional Law of the Law Faculty Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University
Today, the boundaries of international crime involving states and transnational organized crime are slowly blurring, and as a result, the number of international crimes is steadily growing. The article analyzes two key groups of crimes: crimes indicated in the Rome Statute and transnational crimes under international conventions. This article is based on the analysis of the main groups of crimes: the first group of international crimes committed with state actors, which includes crimes against humanity, war crimes, crimes of aggression, crimes of genocide; and the second group, crimes committed by criminal groups organized in more than one country with the "international" or "transnational" character of such acts. The authors emphasize the norms of international law, according to which the International Criminal Court, together with international criminal tribunals, have jurisdiction over a small range of key international crimes, including genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity, aggression, committed by state officials. The main objective of this research is to compare the mechanism for investigating crimes in the jurisdiction of international criminal tribunals and the International Criminal Court, together with the national procedure for investigating transnational crimes, through the ratification of international conventions and the establishment of the International cooperation. The article was made with the following methods: induction, deduction, analogy, as well as historical, dialectical and formal legal methods.
Revista de la Universidad del Zulia, Universidad del Zulia
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