Modern tendencies in the development of military education in Ukraine


Сhernenko Nataliia1ORCID,Halimov Anatolii2ORCID


1. Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Professor, Professor at the Department of Education Management and Public Administration at the State Institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky”

2. Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Professor at the National Academy of the State Border Service of Ukraine named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi


Nowadays, In Ukraine one can observe the main tendencies inherent in the leading NATO member states in the field of reforming the military education system. In the domestic educational space, these tendencies are caused by the problematic content that was formed in the process of reforming the state and military education system, which requires finding ways to solve the current issues and tasks, both in theory and in practice. The purpose of the article is to determine the main tendencies in the development of military education in Ukraine which are developed in the field of theory and practice of modern pedagogical science with relevant problematic content. A system of general scientific and special methods of theoretical and empirical research (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization and systematization) was used in order to analyse development tendencies of the scientific discourse related to the military education in Ukraine. It was determined that standardization is one of the main development directions of the military education system in Ukraine. The principle of professionalization of military education, which is implemented on the basis of the development of the system of profession-oriented training aimed at military specialists, is actively developing. It remains an integral component of the military education system as a whole, taking into account new requirements to the quality of profession-oriented training aimed at military specialists in accordance with the standards of NATO member countries. The use of the competence-based approach remains relevant. At the same time, the competence-based approach requires a significant expansion within the field of theoretical reflection which is ensured by the orientation to the conceptualization of the development processes of the military education system, in particular within the framework of the concept-centric approach. It was determined that the development of innovative approaches is another tendency. As a result of the analysis, it was established that the use of institutional, concept-centric and innovative approaches that actively use the acquisitions made within the competence paradigm are the main tendencies in the development of military education in Ukraine; they can be considered to be the solution for theoretical and practical issues based on the principles of professionalization.


South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky


General Medicine

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