1. Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Professor of Department of Pedagogy and Special Education, Faculty of Psychology and Special Education at the Oles Honchar Dnipro National University
2. Master of the Department of Defectology and Motor Rehabilitation at the State Institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky”
The article describes the development problem of wrist (finger) praxis of senior preschool children with speech disorders. Apraxia is a kind of movement disorder where paralysis is not observed. It is accepted to distinguish three main types of apraxia: motor, visual-spatial and kinaesthetic. The neurophysiological connection between the motility of the wrist and the motility of the articulating apparatus (tongue, lips, lower jaw) has been clarified. Violation or underdevelopment of wrist praxis of junior and preschool age children can negatively affect the child's speech: both oral and written. The most effective directions for the formation of wrist praxis of pre-schoolers with speech development disorders have been singled out. The first direction concerns the physical development of children in the direction of the subject-manipulative activity (M. Yefymenko). The main directions of the wrist praxis development include: physical development of children; subject-centred and manipulative activities; subject-centred and practical activities; labour activity, artistic-aesthetic activity and modelling-constructing. The second direction concerns the use of significant opportunities of children's labour activity, in particular their instrumental manual actions with the use of carpentry and metalwork tools (V. Kantarzhy). Instrumental activities were classified as follows: 1) carpentry work exercises with a carpentry vice, with mallets, with files, on a grinding wheel, with saws, with a drill, with a rotary wheel, with keys, with screwdrivers, with the assembly of structures with the help of keys and/or a screwdriver; 2) locksmith work exercises with hammers, with locksmith vices, with files, with hacksaws, etc. With the optimal combination of these main directions, we see prospects for increasing the effectiveness of the wrist praxis development of pre-schoolers with speech development disorders.
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky
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