Specificity of training future teachers of a foreign language and literature for cross-cultural education within multicultural educational environment of institutions of general secondary education


Yige Liu1ORCID


1. Postgraduate Student of the Department of Pedagogy at the State institution «South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky»


According to the results of the study of methodological, didactic, scientific-theoretical, pedagogical literature, it is determined that the cross-cultural approach reveals the methodology of a multi-panoramic study of "a person at the intersection of cultures" as an innovative type of personality that adheres to planetary ethics and is characterized by cross-border thinking that goes beyond his/her own culture. It has been determined that cross-cultural learning is a consistent, purposeful interaction of teachers and students, within which there is an accumulation of background and cultural knowledge, the development of language and speech skills necessary for effective inter-linguistic and intercultural interaction with representatives of various linguistic and cultural communities. The study determined that the multicultural educational space is a spatial-subject area of interaction between subjects of the educational process, which is constructed on the basis of taking into account the invariance of universal human (planetary) values in combination with the variability of cultural intents (ethnocultural worldview, natiomental constants, historical-cultural artifacts, cultural-deterministic interpersonal patterns). The functioning of the multicultural educational space in institutions of general secondary education is characterized as a model for creating psychological and pedagogical conditions, algorithms, and technologies for the adaptation integration of the student's personality into the multicultural field of society through educational (didactic) mechanisms, in particular, cross-cultural learning. Based on the analysis of the scientific fund, it is determined that a teacher of a foreign language and literature is a highly qualified, competitive specialist-teacher, providing the educational needs of modern society in the field of foreign language education; ensures the organization of the educational (educational, developmental) process on the basis of preserving Ukrainian traditions, respectful attitude to the native language and historical past, on the principles of patriotism, humanism, democracy, tolerance and civic responsibility in the multicultural educational space. The training of future teachers of a foreign language and literature for cross-cultural learning within a multicultural educational space is interpreted as a pedagogical process, which is a structural component of the general, holistic, systematic professional training of the future teacher, aimed at: the awareness by future teachers of the importance of constructing a multicultural educational space at educational institutions on the basis of ethnic tolerance; formation of a complex of knowledge on cross-cultural didactics and skills in implementing culturally relevant means of teaching a foreign language; development of personal properties and worldview values of students as initiators and mediators of the dialogue of cultures. The readiness of future teachers of a foreign language and literature for cross-cultural learning within a multicultural educational space is a synthetic personal-deterministic and professionally-oriented construct that reflects the integrative unity of the desire of the teacher-dictionary to carry out the transmission of ethnocentrism into ethnorelativism (ethno-mental identification component); the ability to adapt and remodel situational didactic interactions within an environment of cross-cultural integration in a multicultural educational space (interactive-professional component); intention to transform professional knowledge into sociocultural intelligence (metacognitive information-centred component).


South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky


General Medicine

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