
Fitriana Mira,Hermawan Dedy,Caturiani Susana Indriyati


This study aims to evaluate the formulation of policies regarding the implementation regulations and locus determination of the Smart Village program of Lampung Province through the issue of process, content and form of policy. The type of research used is descriptive with qualitative approach. Data is generated from interviews, observations and documentation. The results of the study obtained that the policy formulation process of the Smart Village program of Lampung Province uses an institutional approach, namely the Office of Community Empowerment, Village and Transmigration of Lampung Province as a policy formulator in coordination with the Regional Development Planning Agency of Lampung Province as well as harmonization of regulations with the Law Bureau of the Secretariat of Lampung Province. The policy content of the Smart Village program in Lampung Province is in accordance with the problems in the village and the strategic issues of the village in Lampung Province as well as the goals to be achieved in the Smart Village concept. The policy form of The Smart Village program of Lampung Province is in accordance with the macro, micro and word-by-word forms in accordance with the guidelines for the preparation of regional legal products contained in Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs No.80 of 2015 concerning the Establishment of Regional Legal Products. In the future, it is expected that in the smart village policy formulation of Lampung Province also prioritizes a bottom-up approach. In addition, in order to strengthen the implementation, the Master Plan and other technical policies are immediately established. Then in the framework of monitoring and evaluation so that it is not only implemented by the Lampung Provincial Government, but also from the village government and the village community as the recipients of the program so that it becomes an improvement in the formulation process and implementation of the next Smart Village policy of Lampung Province.


STISIPOL Dharma Wacana

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1. Developing IT Strategic Transformation of Smart Village Concept for Indonesian Village Model;2022 International Conference Advancement in Data Science, E-learning and Information Systems (ICADEIS);2022-11-23








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