Potential and Limitations of a Commercial Broadband Echo Sounder for Remote Observations of Turbulent Mixing


Muchowski Julia12ORCID,Umlauf Lars3,Arneborg Lars4,Holtermann Peter3,Weidner Elizabeth15,Humborg Christoph12,Stranne Christian12


1. a Department of Geological Sciences, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden

2. e Baltic Sea Center, Stockholm, Sweden

3. b Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Warnemünde, Germany

4. c Department of Research and Development, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, Gothenburg, Sweden

5. d Department of Earth Science, University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire


Abstract Stratified oceanic turbulence is strongly intermittent in time and space, and therefore generally underresolved by currently available in situ observational approaches. A promising tool to at least partly overcome this constraint are broadband acoustic observations of turbulent microstructure that have the potential to provide mixing parameters at orders of magnitude higher resolution compared to conventional approaches. Here, we discuss the applicability, limitations, and measurement uncertainties of this approach for some prototypical turbulent flows (stratified shear layers, turbulent flow across a sill), based on a comparison of broadband acoustic observations and data from a free-falling turbulence microstructure profiler. We find that broadband acoustics are able to provide a quantitative description of turbulence energy dissipation in stratified shear layers (correlation coefficient r = 0.84) if the stratification parameters required by the method are carefully preprocessed. Essential components of our suggested preprocessing algorithm are 1) a vertical low-pass filtering of temperature and salinity profiles at a scale slightly larger than the Ozmidov length scale of turbulence and 2) an automated elimination of weakly stratified layers according to a gradient threshold criterion. We also show that in weakly stratified conditions, the acoustic approach may yield acceptable results if representative averaged vertical temperature and salinity gradients rather than local gradients are used. Our findings provide a step toward routine turbulence measurements in the upper ocean from moving vessels by combining broadband acoustics with in situ CTD profiles.


Östersjöcentrum, Stockholms Universitet


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

Leibniz-Institut für Meereswissenschaften


American Meteorological Society


General Medicine

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