Gulf Stream Position, Width, and Orientation Estimated from HF Radar Radial Velocity Maps off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina


Muglia Mike1ORCID,Seim Harvey2,Taylor Patterson1


1. a Coastal Studies Institute, East Carolina University, Wanchese, North Carolina

2. b Department of Marine Sciences, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina


Abstract A method to extract characteristics of the Gulf Stream (GS) surface flow field using high-frequency radar (HFR)–derived currents is described. Radial velocity measurements, from radar installations near Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, serve as input, chosen because of the greater spatial and temporal coverage provided compared to total velocity fields. The landward GS edge, jet axis, orientation, and cyclonic shear zone (CSZ) width are identified along bearings within the radar footprint. The method is applied to observations from two radar installations from November 2014 and provides GS estimates with daily temporal resolution. Results along eight bearings provide a consistent representation of GS variability dominated by the passage of meanders. Average distance to the GS edge along bearings varies from 50 to 100 km; distance estimate quality degrades with range from the radars. Monthly mean GS jet axis locations from satellite sea surface height (SSH) and the algorithm are consistent. Cross correlations between estimates of GS characteristics in the same region vary from 0.37 to 0.73 for the GS edge. Estimates of radar distance to the GS edge are negatively correlated with current velocity measurements nearest the surface from a moored 150-kHz acoustic Doppler current profiler and vary between −0.58 and −0.71. GS CSZ width metrics range from mean values of 29–31 km. Daily GS orientation estimates are affected by the crossing angle of the radial bearing relative to the GS. Lags from the cross correlations of monthly mean properties suggest meander propagation speed estimates increase from 43.2 km day−1 south of the cape, to 136.8 km day−1 just east of it.


Southeast Atlantic Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association

North Carolina Renewable Ocean Energy Program


American Meteorological Society


Atmospheric Science,Ocean Engineering

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