Importance of Mesoscale Currents in AMOC Pathways and Timescales


Kamenkovich Igor1,Garraffo Zulema2


1. a Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami, Miami, Florida

2. b IMSG at NOAA/EMC, College Park, Maryland


Abstract The Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) plays a key role in climate due to uptake and redistribution of heat and carbon anomalies. This redistribution takes place along several main pathways that link the high-latitude North Atlantic with midlatitudes and the Southern Ocean and involves currents on a wide range of spatial scales. This numerical study examines the importance of mesoscale currents (“eddies”) in these AMOC pathways and associated time scales, using a highly efficient offline tracer model. The study uses two boundary impulse response (BIR) tracers, which can quantify the importance of the Atlantic tracer exchanges with the high-latitude atmosphere in the north and with the Southern Ocean in the south. The results demonstrate that mesoscale advection leads to an increase in the overall BIR inventory during the first 100 years and results in a more efficient and spatially uniform ventilation of the deep Atlantic. Mesoscale currents also facilitate meridional spreading of the BIR tracer and thus assist the large-scale advection. The results point toward the importance of spatial inhomogeneity and anisotropy of the eddy-induced mixing in several mixing “hotspots,” as revealed by an eddy diffusivity tensor. Conclusions can be expected to assist evaluations of eddy-permitting simulations that stop short of full resolution of mesoscale, as well as development of eddy parameterization schemes.


American Meteorological Society



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